Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Rick Santorum is Wrong on All the Science Things

So, I guess the idea that former Senator Rick Santorum is an anti-intellectual is pretty much "old hat" by now, right?  But do you know how far out of his way wrong he's willing to be for the business interests that exist in and around Rick Santorum without openly paying for his ass like Foster Fries would?  Seriously?

Pretty damn far. Steve M. picks up on where Sen. Santorum would respectfully suggest that the Pope leave science to the scientists. Notwithstanding that the Pope is trained in science.  The science is pretty much determined. And that Rick Santorum himself is just some wanker who got elected to office on a fluke.  And hasn't since been in office for awhile--but he wants to tangle with the currently popular Pontiff?  That's some cheek! That's some face!

That's some backpfifengesicht. The earth is warming, India has melting roads  Alaska is in the 90's F even if it isn't but June.

Climate change is real. It just is.


mikey said...

Meh. It ain't about science, it's about ideology. The ideology of the American movement conservative, from fiscal and monetary policy to environmental policy to supply side economics to the social safety net is all pretty much wrong, and the world knows that. So if you want to support these positions for political and financial reasons, you MUST start with an assumed outcome and work back to the justifications. If you want to assume, for example, that massive tax cuts will actually increase revenues, all your rhetoric around tax policy must be twisted around to support that highly unlikely conclusion.

Interesting, their problem isn't that their positions are clearly dishonest, hypocritical and wrong. Apparently, you can attract a strong ideological constituency even in that instance. They're finally reaching peak nutjob due to the broad exclusionary meanness of their positions. Women, minorities, immigration, poor people - at some point you have to have some people on your side. I'm beginning to think that the pointless refusal of so many state governments to implement Medicaid expansion is going to ultimately, in hindsight, have been their Waterloo...

Professor Chaos said...

The thing that Santorum doesn't understand, or pretends he doesn't, is that the Pope has left science to the scientists. The scientists have done their studies, reached their conclusions, now the Pope says we should follow their advice. That's exactly what leaving science to the scientists should look like.

Also, it's pretty rich hearing someone like Santorum pretending he has any respect for scientists!

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