Sunday, February 22, 2015

Scott Walker and the Litmus Test

Technically, there really ought not be a religious "litmus test" when it comes to achieving any elected office. It honestly should not matter whether our current president, Barack Hussein Obama, is a Christian, as he actually professed publically many times over and witnessed to as a member of Trinity United Church for 20 years, is a practitioner of Islam, having some incidental relationship with that faith having a father and stepfather who were in some respects Muslim, or even as I am, an intellectually inquisitive militant agnostic. The First Amendment technically means that everyone is free to worship as they will, and does not deny anyone their rights because of some heterodoxy. This needs to be understood as part of a long tradition within US history, where Islam was considered among many religions as part of the experiment in allowing such a freedom of thought.

(Contra David Barton, who is an idiot, and is about as much an historian as I am an Olympic Decathlete. Even setting aside Thomas Jefferson's Koran, or his Iftar Dinner with representatives from Tunis, the reality is that the Islamic nation of Morocco first recognized the US as an independent nation and that the Treaty of Tripoli declared us as "by no means a Christian nation".  Islam was definitely a part of the Founders' consideration of what religious freedom might mean. For that matter, the willingness to cast the US as having no part in Islam because the Islamists were the people who sold slaves to "us"--quite elides the actual fact that many of those slaves were also of the Muslim faith, and that supposedly "good" Christians willingly bought and held those human beings for generations. In other words, there were many Muslims here denied the right to practice their faith, as they were in every respects also denied their other freedoms, and it was because Christians did not mind any bit of that for a very long time, as their book never gave them a solid reason to. A very bad word I might say to David Barton for trying to erase that very real history. You can not remedy the enormity of slavery by disappearing the history of the people who were actually held in bondage, and you can not defend our founders by denying the shit they actually did. I'm sorry real history is inconvenient to paste-eaters like Barton, but whoop, there it is.)

The reason "liberal" or "mainstream media" ask a drowsy-eyed Koch-whore like Scott Walker a truly philosophical question like whether evolution is real or whether Obama is a Christian, is sort of a litmus test in whether he tracks to reality. Is he so completely a puppet that he can't answer simple questions without being backstopped by a PR team?

Well, regarding evolution, he punted. When faced with the question regarding the current president's allegiance, he also sort of punted. He "does not know" because he never read anything regarding the controversy--how Palinesque! I have exactly zero faith in anyone who can claim they do not know why they are being asked either question, and have no response. He doesn't know if he is required to pander to the tea party assholes or has to be at least somewhat real. He hesitated because of alliances. That is so chickenshit. I neither know nor care what Walker believes, because he doesn't hisownself. I just don't think he ever should be president.

1 comment:

mikey said...

The reality is both harsher and more prosaic than that. He is a professional politician, one of only 50 governors in the US, with designs on the White House, the "leadership of the free world". It is his job, hell, his ONLY job, to know how to answer the questions. If he has to 'punt' at this late date, he's worm food in the primaries - Jeb and even the New Jersey madman will eat his lunch, because they understand what they do for a living and what it entails...

It's Especially NOT Funny Because It's True — Secular Talk ( (@KyleKulinski) March 17, 2025 MAGA doesn't care about this....