Friday, August 1, 2014

What Happens to A DREAMER Deterred?

Does he get swept up
like a felon a-roam?
Or hide as if on the lam--
in his home?
Does this bill go down
in a Senate defeat
or should a Presidential veto
stomp it complete?

And what should voters
make of this load--

Could this party implode?

Never mind my doggerel, as I pause to consider that the House leadership handed over the reins to people who say things like "I hang out with border patrol agents clandestinely", and kids are loaded up with birth control pills before being set out on "rape paths", and that migrants with "calves like cantaloupes" schlep backpacks with 75 lbs of marijuana over the border. (Which I still say is an amazing weight loss boot camp concept, no? Seriously, I think Rep. Steve King has never watched a Cheech and Chong movie if he thinks this is how "grass" gets up here.) So of course, they voted to end the work permits of over a half-million jobs-having undocumented young people who have basically not known any other country, and are in fact not in any way tied to the current border crisis (leaving them to be potentially deported to countries with which they have no ties), stepped up to pay for National Guard deployments--which is just going to corral, not contain, more young migrant folks who will just be put in the system, and brushed away the compassionate option to detain the youngsters until a hearing could be held to determine a possible refugee or asylum status--which does not at all address the plight these youths are fleeing, and sends them back into possible "rape paths" and into the hands of drug cartels.

So, uh, nice going GOP reps, you have some kind of thing to go back to the constituents that voted you in with? And oh darn, you think you will have Harry Reid to blame for this bill getting shot down once the Senate comes back, and not Ted Cruz?

I don't think that's how things really stand, at all. Because in one breath, yesterday, there was a little inhalation of "The President will have to act unilaterally because we can't get our shit together". And today, the exhalation is: "The President will still have to act unilaterally, because this is the nonsense we come up with when we do get our shit together".

Guess what? Both options are not helping. Our tax money is paying for the GOP House to be less than useless, and sue Obama for doing things on his own, and then a taxpayer-funded Representative like Michele Mouth-Breathing Bachmann talks about putting a handcuff on one of his hands. While all this election-year floundering is basically called "leaving it up to the President to fix it and take blame"?

You know, some people might think this is transparently bullshit. But I suspect sadly enough that it still isn't transparent enough for regular voting people. This was a purely political and useless vote, and it will be loved by somebody(ies), nonetheless.

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