Monday, May 19, 2014

Cecily McMillan Sentenced to 90 days, time served, 5 yrs probation.

I really don't know what to make of sentencing where the thing I think is--I'm happy it wasn't worse, where, in another part of my mind, I am also thinking--how did she even get charged in the first place?

See, in my mind she was just reacting to being handled roughly by the police. And I don't know that just reacting is a criminal offense. But she did hit the cop, so...uh.

Shit, I wonder what the guys harassing people down at Bundy Ranch might get charged with if they start hassling "the man" physically.

Just saying.

1 comment:

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I'd think pointing a gun qualifies as harrassing.

And if I ever get around to blogging on this topic, that's the key point.

Occupy was treated as a terrorist for protesting.

People with guns demanding that the government give them something? Kid glove treatment.

Clearly, one movement was a threat to TPTB, and the other is not.

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