Sunday, April 6, 2014

Oh, You Torture Apologists!

Well, of course self-defenders are going to self-defend, but I just want to point out that General Hayden and Liz Cheney are some nervy folks. Take General Hayden's response to the Senate Intelligence Committee's report on CIA interrogation:
Citing specifically Feinstein’s line about not using such techniques again, Hayden told Fox News Sunday host Chis Wallace, “Now that sentence that, motivation for the report, Chris, may show deep emotional feeling on part of the Senator. But I don’t think it leads you to an objective report.” 
Wallace — who is far from a sympathizer for Senator Feinstein and her party — responded incredulously to the Director’s assertion that Sen. Feinstein’s emotions drove her to want a public report on the U.S.’s potential use of torture. “Forgive me because you and I both know Senator Feinstein,” Wallace said. “I have the highest regard for her. You’re saying you think she was emotional in these conclusions?”
There is no reason that moral and emotional repugnance of an inappropriate process should not overlap. I won't insist that he used that term "emotional" because Senator Feinstein is a woman, but I won't put it past him either. Is Hayden a torture defender because it could be his ass if it is determined this was a criminal enterprise?  I reckon that might make someone emotional, a little.

In other news, Liz Cheney defends torture and thinks the investigation is political because she loves her Daddy (if we're playing by Hayden's rules, why not?) And, she adds, what about Benghazi? (Because that isn't political at all, is it? I mean, is it?)

If I wasn't already inclined to think the worst of some people already, I must admit, they have done nothing to make me think better of them.

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