Saturday, April 5, 2014

Oh, is *That* How Mr. Rodriguez Remembers it?

Huh.  You know, when I read former head of the CIA's National Clandestine Service Jose Rodriguez Jr's op-ed in the Washington Post, where he says:

This program was approved at the highest levels of the government, judged legal by the Justice Department and regularly briefed to the leaders of our congressional oversight committees. There was never any effort to mislead the administration or Congress about the program. In 2006, then-CIA Director Michael Hayden expanded those fully briefed on the program to include all members of the intelligence oversight committees. It is a travesty that these efforts at transparency are now branded insufficient and misleading.
I am totally unable to get out of my head the fact that he destroyed tapes of waterboarding. Because transparency, right?  Because it would be transparent, if they were seen, what was going on.

I think it would be wise to take his point of view with a grain, hm?

1 comment:

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Booman Tribune

Jose Rodriguez is a Monster

43 minutes ago
Yes. Yes he is. And what can we say about Fred Hiatt and Jackson Diehl, Editorial page editor and depute editor, respectively?

They constantly give space to war criminals. Elliott Abrams, Dick Cheney, Bill Kristol, etc.

That is why I call it The War Criminal Post.

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