Friday, December 20, 2013

Gov. Mike Huckabee Has a Brand New Bag

You know, when superficially genial straight-supremacist Mike Huckabee said he was ending his radio show, I kind of thought he was putting in his future time possibly undertaking another run for president, as this is a neat way for GOP grifters to gain cred these days (Allen West will probably be running in 4,3,2...), but it looks like he has an exciting new venture that couldn't possibly be more awkward than the history cartoons he backs.

He's going to be starting a news site called Huckabee Post, which does not either sound familiar to  any other major news and commentary aggregator you may have heard of . Because this is Mike Huckabee, ladies and gents. And he's not going to like that Huffington Post, because the content will be be more for a conservative audience. You know, like Drudge, Newsmax, Breitbart, The Blaze, The Daily Caller and The Washington Beacon. In other words--totally like you have not seen before.  He will definitely probably have writers like you'd never find at WND. Because standards and stuff.

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