Sunday, October 27, 2013

Let's all not listen to Dick Cheney, m'kay?

The Prince of Darkness, Dick Cheney, has been throwing shade again, and I was kind of going to go into why what he's saying doesn't even make sense or go into how getting bin Laden probably couldn't even be kept a secret and any intelligence gathered would have an expiration date and he's just jealous anyway, but look. Let's just get this out of the way--his relevance is as a historical figure, a member of the administration that blew off the intelligence that bin Laden was poised to strike on American soil and embraced bad intelligence about WMD's in Iraq. He is respected by connoisseurs of a very particular art in politics because of how good he used to be. But let's look at how he plies his particular forte these days:

He lies about whether he has fished with Senator Mike Enzi, because his darling little girl and fifth deferment wants the man's job. Did the senator think they were any kind of friends? Huh. Well. Henry Whittington was a friend of Dick Cheney's, too.

Now, maybe the former Vice President simply forgot whether he was part of a fly-fishing tournament with Enzi, because it's not like angling is such a great passion of his (maybe compared to shooting little birds by the barrelful it isn't), and besides, the man can forget a thing or two, can't he? Like how often he might have met former Senator John Edwards when he dissembled about that during the 2004 campaign. No, it's not quite as bad as the way he had repeated lies about, say, Saddam Hussein and yellowcake uranium, or the non-existent Mohammed Atta-Iraq connection. It's a sign, however, of how petty he's willing to be.

To the extent he acts trifling--he is trifling.  He has managed to, in his retiring years, become the EF Hutton of bullshit, and I can't imagine why anyone listens anymore.

1 comment:

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Let's just get this out of the way--his relevance is as a historical figure...

Major part of that historical legacy:

He and G.W. Bush pushed through the USA PATRIOT Act, and the massive increase in illegal spying that went with it.

Our President Obama has wholly embraced both those things. Now the rot is bipartisan.

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