Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Can't Get No Satisfaction?

What's the matter guys? No one got "bingo" yet?

You know, I'm still trying to work out how this is going to turn into a win for the House GOP.  I think the answer is--it doesn't. A government shut down is a funny old thing--as time wears on, so does it. It wears on people's nerves. And they don't seem to be able to make this look exactly like a bipartisan "failure to communicate", no matter how butt-hurtedly Boehner moans about President Obama being able to talk to Iran's president, but not him, or when the assembled uptight, white, and none-too-bright he-men government-haters' club gathers across from empty chairs to remind us--um. That nobody even wants to hear from them at this point unless they're talking about a clean CR? One clean CR, by the way.

I really don't know what kind of schmuck thinks a bunch of little resolutions to fund different agencies to draaaaggggg this thing out even more would be an improvement.

1 comment:

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

You know, I'm still trying to work out how this is going to turn into a win for the House GOP

A spineless media and fucktons of propaganda ad buys by the plutocrats?

uptight, white, and none-too-bright

Now THAT's a turn of phrase!

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