Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The 2012 GOP Primary Is Still With Us, Weirdly Enough

When Michele Bachmann's 2012 presidential campaign started to take a massive dump, I was kind of sympathetic but concerned.  To my jaded eye, Michele Bachmann's campaign always looked like a form of trolling rather than a serious effort, and deep in my guts, I always thought Ron Paul, as a kind of rear-guard Goldwater winger, was also doing his part to run a presidential campaign to score points and #profit. Which is why the problems with the Bachmann campaign starting with Sorenson struck me as weird. I was interested with the allegations that Kent Sorenson was "bought" by the Bachmann campaign. But the evidence and the Bachmann campaign's own allegations suggested the obvious reason he didn't "stay bought".  Iowa did not know they had a pimp.

He got a better offer. My immediate response was that the Paul campaign looked more viable, at the time--but the current story is that maybe there were reasons.

This whole affair is making me somewhat re-evaluate my estimation of both the Bachmann and Paul campaigns' seriousness. Were these really a "straight shoot" and not "work" to make shit interesting for "Inevitable Mitt"? Did either of these candidates really think it was worth it to score points so much that they were violating campaign law in Iowa--up in the corn, feeling their oats? This makes me pre-emptively re-evaluate my estimation of Rand Paul's obvious 2016 trolling. He could be for reals.

I don't know if that scares me enough. I guess I won't know until 2016. If anyone ever wonders where I go when I am not posting, I am recalibrating my cynicism, because sometimes I believe it must be broken.

(X-posted at Rumproast.)

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