Saturday, November 17, 2012

This Week Rep. Louie Gohmert Selected Newt Gingrich For Speaker of the House.

I think it salutory, for the purposes of enumerating the symptoms of the Republican party as it currently stands, to occasionally visit with Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas, demon-hunter,  terror-baby historian,  and all-around Right-Wing Whackadoodle. This week, he did indeed nominate former House Speaker as well as recent GOP primary candidate for President Newt Gingrich to once again be Speaker of the House. 

This time, however, I entirely get where he's coming from. Newt Gingrich, if you were politically aware in the mid-90's, was the guy who got the government shut down. As the last debt ceiling foo-raw-raw indicated, I think Louie Gohmert would like very much for this to happen.  If current Speaker of the House John Boehner shows continued committment to trying to actually continue this sinful thing called US government by means of negotiating with a Muslim Comsymp like Obama, obviously, true patriots like Gingrich stand in the wings to shut it down like a, a, shut-downable thing.

I think. It's kind of hard to stay in the Gohmert-zone without wanting oxygen and maybe a stuffed toy to cling to.

1 comment:

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

If current Speaker of the House John Boehner shows continued committment to trying to actually continue this sinful thing called US government by means of negotiating with a Muslim Comsymp like Obama, obviously, true patriots like Gingrich stand in the wings to shut it down like a, a, shut-downable thing.

How dare Boehner do his job! It's like people want the government to, I don't know, like govern, or something.

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