Monday, March 5, 2012

He could go all the way.

So, today was the fourth day that Rush Limbaugh felt the need to hold forth on the subject of Sandra Fluke and her testimony regarding the necessity of  private health insurance covering the Pill for a variety of compelling medical reasons, and once again, he slagged her a bit.

At first I was appalled when he was slagging her. Oh no. Why does he say these terrible things about a woman who is just saying what she wants to say?  Why is he bullying this person with constant imprecations against her character and personal habits, about which he knows nothing? Does the truth mean anything to him at all?

Now, finally and at long last, after a two-decades or so long career in radio broadcasting, Rush Limbaugh is finally entertaining me. I am entertained because he is losing sponsors and a couple of radio stations have stopped carrying his angry-white-guy-hating-stuff themed show.

Now, I'm sure this is no picnic for Sandra Fluke, who is now making the rounds of such shows as The View. It is dreadful to have one's profile raised by having one's sexual reputation trashed by people who are just making shit up and all the while, getting to repeat her point of view over and again in different venues from the one she  was originally cut out of--that has got to be a weird, weird situation.  But probably not as weird as the position Rush Limbaugh is in--after over 20 years of saying horrible stuff, finally having people actually listening to what he says.

Imagine that. And so many don't like those things.  Fancy that, too.

Oh, not to count out the people who used to listen to him before. But they were taking stock in his lies, not taking account of his lies (as John Cole devastatingly does here). As it turns out, Limbaugh doesn't tell the truth, and is actually just a big old tired hack bully.

Wanna see what he does with himself on day five of Flukeapallooza? Because at this point, I kind of do. Go ahead, Rush, you big old Free Speech Warrior. Tell us in more graphic detail how you want to see porn of college students young enough to be the daughters you never had. Make another, more entertaining,"poor word choice". Don't stop now that you have so much attention: Entertain us.

I wish an entertainer would.

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