Sunday, March 4, 2012

And while I'm at it, this is pretty much why I am a "slut."

I'm an unapologetic pro-choice, pro-contraception, pro-sex feminist. Last year, there were protests that occurred in many locations called "Slut walks" to protest the idea that women who were victimized by harassment or rape brought it on themselves due to modes of dressing or behaviors that made them partially culpable. The reason these feminists "took back" the word "slut" was to try and rob that slight against our sexuality of its power. It was about the visibility and solidarity of women who do not judge each other based on superficial reasons but respect that women are objectified and treated differently and then blamed for the treatment they receive.

Sandra Fluke did nothing more than speak out about the need for women to receive health care coverage for our feminine bodies, and was labeled a "slut" and a "feminazi" for daring to utter an opinion. She had an opinion, folks.  She dressed demurely, spoke quietly but forthrightly, and got labelled "a slut".  She didn't talk about sex, just the organs involved in it, and got labeled a "slut". This whole week was about "slutty slut slut", and how women have sex--apparently with nobody? Ghost partners? Disembodied demon phalluses? And even if women aren't sleeping around or knocking boots or making sheet monsters with anyone--well, if you are taking contraception pills, you must be--

Right. A person with female sex organs. Which no matter what you say, how you say it, or what you do in your private life, no matter what your beliefs are or your religion or good works in the world--makes you a "slut" and a "feminazi" for having opinions and female sex organs.

So I have female sex organs and opinions--that makes me a slut. Rush Limbaugh and I don't know how many other people, but I suspect it's a lot, would say I am. That word doesn't scare me. The idea that other people think it should, does. I'm a slut. I recognize the judgment of the people I'm fighting against and don't care, because if I did, I couldn't do it properly. Part of Limbaugh's fake apology was that he thought he made poor "word choices".  He said "slut". Well, I'm going to put it out there that saying "slut" is nothing compared to the fact that his entire argument rests on the concept that women are suspect because of female sexuality and the sheer possibility that we might ever have sex sometimes and like it. The labels of the social conservatives are shit because I don't accept their frames, and don't think they are appropriate. I'm a sex-positive female-bodied childless birth control-using man-loving "slut"--and I approve this message. I have ovaries and opinions. And I don't think any woman should be shamed for the fact of being female. Woman =/= slut. But if all women must be somehow labeled that for thinking, or walking, or wearing clothes, or having uteruses, or attracting male attention, or just being?

Then I'm pro-slut. I'm a slutist. I am slutty, hear me roar. The word "slut" ceased to have any meaning that bothered me when it suddenly meant nothing more than "woman".  Yay. I am a woman. I am a slut. I like sex as much as a male-bodied person might. How does that make me less moral?

Someone must explain where "slut" is bad if it just means "me" and I still like me.

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