Thursday, February 16, 2012

VA Del. Bob Marshall Compares ACA law to Rape--but favors invasive unwanted ultrasound procedure for pregnant women.

The House of the Commonwealth of Virginia passed a really stupid "personhood" bill regarding fetuses that makes the as-yet-unborn (even zygotes) the equivalent of born people, even though this is completely wrong. One of the main sponsors of this wrongness, Del. Bob Marshall,  has compared the economic issues of the federal Affordable Care Act to rape. Because he thinks he might be compelled to pay more for insurance.  Even though he probably won't, if the CBO is right, and you know.  Stands to reason, preventative care being more accessable and all.  So--um, on one hand, ACA is not like rape because only rape is like rape--M'kay?  Rape analogies are wrong because rape is a really bad crime using people's bodies against their will--regulations that are part of a social contract lack the physical intimacy, threat of bodily harm, and usurpation of individual agency--this was a damn tacky wrong-ass thing for the Delegate to say.  On the other hand--no other hand is needed--that's just wrong fucking shit.

The ironic bit is this: the bill mandates a vaginal ultrasound probe being inserted in female-bodied persons who want an abortion--that's right.  The bill Del. Bob Marshall is for mandates that the government insert a probe into the body of a person against hir will.  Which would pretty much be---?

Yes, much nearer the definition of rape than his pathetic economic analogy. And the reason for this vaginal terrorism--this rape of a pregnant woman?

To coerce her to comply with the political view that the newly-christened "person": as broadly defined by this personhood amendment, be born. Against her will. Beyond her control. They have granted personhood to a being without the synaptic density to create memories or thoughts, nor the experience to verbalize or anticipate pain, and given that person equal footing with the thinking, feeling rational person in whose body it has by chance begun.

This is asinine. This is punishing women for just having a female reproductive system. It is grossly misogynist. In other words--nothing is right about it. And yet this legislative body could not see the absolute wrong--this makes me terribly sad.

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