Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Rick Santorum: Because Birth Control is just like Deodorant.

Why should a health insurance plan carry a medication that can prevent or treat certain conditions of the reproductive organs of a female body?  Why, when I put it that it way, it starts to sound so very little like a cosmetic or hygienic application, such as soap or deodorant, and much more like a medication that might prevent cysts, fibroids, painful periods, or even the actually fairly physically demanding condition called "pregnancy", which is so a physical condition. It has its own medical field (obstetrics) and let's just put it this way: if a female-bodied person enters an emergency room and indicates zie is in labor--are the staff going to tell hir to come back when something is wrong with hir?  Or will they prepare a room for the actual event that is taking place?

I do not know when lack of deodorant ever lead to a nine-month physical process that entailed nausea, weight gain, stretch marks, mood swings, lactation, fluctuations in blood pressure and blood sugar levels, an increased likelihood of depression, and the very real possibility of bringing forth another human being into one's life and having to make significant life plans regarding that eventuality.

I don't really appreciate the trivialization of this important issue, but that Santorum can and does so easily just indicates what a total ass he is.

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