Thursday, December 22, 2011

Just some odds and ends of the Best of the Worst 2012 business--

Randall Terry, who isn't a real candidate, got glitter-bombed by Vermin Supreme, who isn't a real candidate either.

Nonetheless, I enjoyed seeing Randall Terry being glitter-bombed. Some people need a little disrespect every now and then to keep the world around them sane.

Speaking of which--Gingrich was called a rude thing:

I'm sticking with, "It's funny because it's true."

Oh, and finally, Ron Paul is finally feeling the actual irritation of being asked legitimate questions by journalists about stuff that appeared under his byline, instead of getting fluffed by libertarian fringistas.

I don't really get the appeal of Ron Paul. Some of the things he's said remind me a lot of Pat Buchanan. The non-interventionist foreign policy, for one thing, and the quasi-racist if not actually racist small gov't/but law and order stuff. And yet, Pat was never cool.  So how come Pat Buchanan's philosophy turns on ignorant hipsters when dressed up as an ol' country doctor?  Am confused.

Anyway--that's my half-assed round-up about some of today's half-assed candidates.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm of the impression that it is indeed the package since country doctor is a far cry from the typical political background. I would think that Jon Huntsman would get a little more love from that group, but I suspect that there are many more people who are hiding their uncomfortableness with the Mormon church in the closet behind the muddy sandals than most realize.

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