Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Bryan Fischer of AFA Demonstrates his Version of Christian Love and Understanding by blaming lots of AIDS on some Politician

Representative Barney Frank's announcement of his retirement after a great career as a legislator has prompted religio-creep Bryan Fischer to suggest that his example has been responsible for many AIDS deaths. Because....I don't know. Young folks always seek to emulate the sex lives of their congresspeople, I guess. Musicians, movie stars---congresspeople. It's just what's hip and happening. (You know, I don't think that makes any sense at all.)

I actually think the AIDS epidemic in the US has a  lot more to do with elected officials ignoring the impact of AIDS because they considered it a gay disease, and they gave no importance to gay lives.  These careless assholes were encouraged in their reckless disregard for human life by homophobic sex-negative moralistic shitbags, who should also be considered responsible for not just the wasted time that could have been spent in identifying, controlling, and educating about the disease, but the spread to not just gay but straight people, also. Because AIDs is not a "gay disease"--HIV is a virus, and it just does what a virus does. It's not a moral judgment--it's an infection that spreads via exchange of bodily fluids, like IV drug use, blood transfusions or straight sex by heterosexuals.

By being an elected official who was out and outspoken, Barney Frank actually served as a positive example to LGBT* people that we could be, and endure, and thrive, as out and outspoken people. Maybe something like that makes the environment a little friendlier where this is still one of the more brutal, enduring reasons for LGBT* deaths--and that, I also don't mind attributing to homophobic shitbags who really don't give any real importance to gay lives. Even while they are using the deaths of gay people to slander somebody for their orientation.

Bryan Fischer is so ignorant I sometimes wonder if he's even real.

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