Monday, May 30, 2011

Seriously? They've got dick jokes?

This weekend's blogular distraction comes from Breitbart and his goofy gang of pranksters:

So, what seems to have happened is a picture of an erection ensconced in a pair of drawers was uploaded to something called Yfrog and then Tweeted, apparently from Rep. Anthony Weiner's account and supposedly to one of his Twitter followers.  Yes....seems.  The picture was then seized upon by an apparently clairvoyant Teahadist and linked to Big Government. For a minute, the story was all about why wasn't the congressman making a legal case out of the apparent hack--well, now he is. Which I would like to think means that if this was a set-up (ahem...if...ahem) some jack-ass feels some repercussions.

So, to recap, a US Rep. seems to have been spoofed in a childish way, an innocent Twitter-user has been harassed by jerks, and you can't believe everything you read on the Internet--although we kind of knew that last bit. Also, really, going after Rep. Weiner? Is it because he regularly tells it like is it in moments like this? Or on the Clarence Thomas conflict-of-interest issue? (More of that sort of thing, and I'll be calling him my boyfriend, too. Y'know, just like George Clooney & Keith Olbermann. As if.)

I dunno. I'm still wondering whose vanilla, laundered-shorted crotch-shot that really is. But then, I'm just a speculative old thing, really. Easily distracted, you know.  (But really--"Weiner?" A dick joke? On the order of trying too hard! Huh huh huh, I said, "hard".)

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