Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Okay, I'm done, I *heart* AFA's Bryan Fischer.

I blog about politics and right-wing Christian zaniness as a matter of choice. I usually gravitate towards stories where some kind of moralistic jerk makes some doofus pronouncement that is super out-of-touch with the reality of how people actually live or just seems to be out on some figurative ledge pounding out a blogular Liebestod sung by themselves and the god-like voice in their head just before jumping to some new low.

For which reason, I have become a fan of Bryan Fischer. He's an antitheist blogger's dream content-generator all by his lonesome. This silver fox has captured the ugly little place in my heart that I reserve for--well (did you notice I also hate onblog about the Cheneys and John McCain all the time?) people who I hate so much they turn me on (it's not necessarily a sexual thing....)

Well, this post made me all about the Fischer-man:

The rate at which bastard children were born in 1963, when Lyndon Johnson launched the war on poverty, was seven percent. Meanwhile, we continue to maintain actual marriage penalties in our tax code, including the newly hatched monstrosity of health care reform. So we subsidize illegitimacy and penalize marriage, and we wonder why things get worse rather than better.

And President Obama intends to zero out the one budget item devoted to strengthening marriage in low-income communities.

The place to begin? By reforming state and federal budgets so that we no longer subsidize immorality. It's time to communicate in policy and not just in words that in America, we expect you to save sex for marriage, to have children only within the marriage relationship, and that we will no longer force American taxpayers to fund the expenses of children they did not conceive and with whom they have no relationship and for whom they have no responsibility.

if you conceive children out of wedlock, we will expect you and your families to find a way to take care of the expenses involved in raising that child. In America, that child is your responsibility and no one else's. You may look for help to charities funded by private, voluntary, compassion-driven donations, but you may not look to government to force other Americans at gunpoint to take money out of their wallets and fork it over to you. We are no longer going to treat you as helpless little children; we are going to treat you as the responsible adults you can become. It's time to grow up.

"Bastards"? How quaint! One seldom ever hears anyone use "bastard" in its etymological context anymore!

A child isn't really a bastard though....or even "illegitimate", the popular euphemism. Nope, all children are actually future responsible adults in smaller form. By trying to raise them well, we hope to make them into good adults. A child can't help his parents' after all. Or decide what circumstances to be born into. Penalizing the child to get back at the parents is--

Dumb. Let's go for dumb, unfair, and counterproductive, because we want to have "productive" and "dependable" people in our society, not outcasts who think they suck because moralistic jag-offs, no wait! moralistic jag-offs! want to punish their parents for being bad people who acted on the basic inbuilt urge to procreate and be fruitful and multiply and stuff....or so the AFA would generally have us believe.

What he said was major theist-stupid. I need a cigarette and another glass of bourbon. Once again, he hit my sweet blogular needs the way they needed hit.

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