Monday, March 15, 2010

Rielle Hunter forgot her pants.

This photo from GQ is being posted solely for educational purposes:

When there is someone with a camera who is taking photos of you, taking off your pants implies there will be photos of you--without pants. It's unfair, but we live in a society where people who are not wearing pants just don't seem as credible and respectable as people who keep their pants on. Sometimes you can wear a skirt, or even shorts, and still be somewhat respected. But pantslessness has a bad connotation. And unfortunately, once you have taken the pantsless picture, you can't really complain about it without looking ditzy.

For those who might make the case that the photos are somewhat exploitative, I think the issue of her being a grown woman who could just as easily say, "No, I'd rather be fully dressed and not look like an emotionally-stunted sex kitten who does stuff for attention" needs to be taken into account. I may come off as a bit of a hater--oh, no! Me, I'm working towards the day when pantslessness is a valid choice for all consenting people--especially in warm weather, but we still have a long way to go.

Too soon, Rielle. Too soon.

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