Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sarah Palin's $100,000 crib notes.

For the most part, I don't take a lot of issue with Sarah Palin. No, really. If she pulls down $100,000 to speak to 600 people in Nashville for a conference, that doesn't really seem too out of line, because I think I recall Rudy Guiliani getting that much for speaking fees. It's not out of line for a conservative of her status to get that kind of money, regardless of the size of her audience. If she has a ghost-written "autobiography" of herself out there--big deal. Many political figures use ghost-writers, and penning memoirs is pretty much a traditional part of signalling that you are open to seeking higher office. Also, regarding her PAC buying her book with money she raised to use as a kind of "spiff" to raise more money--well, that sort of thing is also not too weird a practice. All kinds of organizations give away certain kinds of "swag" like books, if people donate "X" amount. So, it raises her book sales--no one would be donating to her PAC if they didn't like her!

I don't address Sarah Palin over every little story because, well, I find her fascinating, but just not....stalker-worthy. But little details like this "get" from Huffington Post make me fall in love with how bloggable she is all over again:

She wrote on her hand for the event. She wrote the main talking points she had to bring up on her hand. Those talking points were: Energy, Budget cuts, Tax, and Lift American Spirits.

The "Drill, Baby, Drill" cheerleader had to write "energy" on her hand? The 2008 side-kick of "Earmark Killer" McCain had to write "Budget Cuts"? A fiscal conservative had to remind herself that fellow conservatives liked lower taxes? And....heavy sigh. She felt the need to remind herself that a successful campaign should be built on making people feel better?

She's campaigned before. She's not a stranger to talking to people. But she still felt like she should maybe jot this really basic GOP talking point stuff on her hand first. In case she forgot what her core principles and branding were all about.

This could say a lot about her. It could just mean she's really insecure and afraid she would miss something she really wanted to bring up--that's the total "I feel you, girlfriend" response. But it could mean she knew ahead of time what she would be asked on that night's edition of "The $100,000 Question", and couldn't be arsed to memorize an answer. Or that she doesn't much care about talking points but wanted to show up to collect her beauty contest prize money--hey! I don't judge.

It just makes one wonder if she is exactly presidential material--ever.

(Although one of my favorite bloggers, Oliver Willis, just might have caught this earlier. And also connected the stupidity of calling out Obama for the teleprompter, and then using notes--especially ones written on your own hand! It's another classic stupid Palin moment--she really gives to liberal bloggers everywhere!)

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