Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Oh look, another pretty little hate-machine....

God wants gays dead, says beauty queen Lauren Ashley

CARRIE Prejean isn't the only beauty queen open to expressing her objection to same-sex marriage.
Miss Beverly Hills 2010 Lauren Ashley is also speaking out in support of traditional nuptials, Fox News reported.

"The Bible says that marriage is between a man and a woman," Ms Ashley told Fox News.

"In Leviticus it says: 'If man lies with mankind as he would lie with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death and their blood shall be upon them.'
"The Bible is pretty black and white.

"I feel like God himself created mankind and he loves everyone, and he has the best for everyone.

Compare and contrast that snippet with what she says later on:

"I have a lot of friends that are gay, and ... I have a lot of friends who have different views, and we share our views together. There's no hate between me and anyone."

So to recap, she has a lot of friends that the Bible says should be put to death. Just putting it out there so we can all gaze at the cognitive dissonance.

(If Lauren Ashley stumbles upon this blog: "cognitive dissonance" means when you believe two things that can't both be true. Like when you believe people should be put to death, but you also call them "friends." Either you don't really think they should be put to death because the Bible is a collection of sometimes moving, but at other times wildly ignorant Bronze Age tales, or you kind of just say you have gay friends so people won't think you're like, a hater or anything.

I understand it can be uncomfortable to have cognitive dissonance pointed out to them. That's kind of why I recommend it.)

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