Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I love John Travolta as an actor, but Scientologist, Please!

I suppose he means well, but when Scientology is involved kind of acting like they have answers, I am concerned:

John Travolta is using his air miles to help the Haiti relief effort by planning a mercy mission to the earthquake ravaged nation.

The movie star and celebrity member of the Church of Scientology has become the latest big name to dig deep to help the victims of Tuesday's 7.0-magnitude tremor.

He says, "I have arranged for a plane to take down some volunteer ministers and some supplies and some medics.

"I hope that inspires others as well. It's needed."

See, it sounds good--until "volunteer ministers". Then it sounds like there will be some proselytizing to traumatized and wounded folks. I do protest.

Especially since Scientologist "scientifical help" is sometimes....dumb.

I'll let Gawker give the run-down of Scientologist catastrophe-response badness, because, after all, Gawker knows! And also, bothered to check! And, I have a link to them--so there!:

John Travolta to Airlift Desperately Needed E-Meters to People of Haiti
Scientologists have mobilized to seize on the promotional and recruitment opportunities presented by the horror going on in Haiti, and John Travolta has personally arranged to fly "volunteer ministers" to Haiti to inflict his junk science on victims there.

Anywhere people are suffering, Scientology's yellow-shirted "volunteer ministers" can be found lurking near news cameras and claiming to help people with their bullshit technology. They performed "purification rundowns" on recovery workers sifting through the ruins of the World Trade Center after 9/11, administered "touch assists" to victims of the tsunami, distributed literature after the Virginia Tech shooting, and are on the ground in Haiti right now warning the starving, dehydrated populace about the dangers of psychiatry.

John Travolta is using his air miles to help the Haiti relief effort by planning a mercy mission to the earthquake ravaged nation.

The movie star and celebrity member of the Church of Scientology has become the latest big name to dig deep to help the victims of Tuesday's 7.0-magnitude tremor.

He says, "I have arranged for a plane to take down some volunteer ministers and some supplies and some medics.

"I hope that inspires others as well. It's needed."

So precisely what does this desperately needed help consist of? To be fair, Scientology claims to have airlifted some actual medical professionals to Porte-au-Prince, a move that is hard to argue with even if the doctors are cultists and are accompanied by a retinue of recruiters and glorified masseuses who are there not to help but to carry on their "crusade to build a better world," as the web site for the cult's volunteer ministers program puts it, through the application of L. Ron Hubbard's paranoid and power-mad fantasies.

Check out the rest and the links--it's probably not what the folks there need either--also categorized under: Things that Aren't helping.

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