Thursday, July 16, 2009

Well, yeah--assassinations--

Everyone has read the WSJ story about the CIA assassination squads. And the NYT story about the assassination squads. And perhaps had time to wonder. Like I do. I sit on my heels and I wonder.

But not for long, because my knees get really stiff. This story provokes a lot of questions:

Okay--Panetta was not immediately briefed about this? Why, since he was the new boss?

Congress wasn't briefed--ever.

Panetta had to cancel it, even though it was never really implemented? Why wasn't it already scrapped, if there were logistical, moral and legal flaws? (Like--going into countries we weren't at war with? And maybe--ops in our own country? Also, given the errors that we discovered in our rendition program, we should have recognized we lacked capability to really do anything effective with it?)

Obviously, since 9/11, everybody in the entire country really did (we did! we did!) want to see al-Qaeda leaders get blasted, but this particular program was hush-hush?

It seems like there should be more to this story. Was there a little list of people who would never be missed? And more disconcerting, if they thought this was okay for taking out al-Qaeda--who was on the back-up list? Because I wouldn't be surprised if the Bush Administration had something of an "enemies list". Only going beyond mere rat-fucking.

I'm not a paranoid IRL--I just play one on my blog.

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