Sunday, December 23, 2007

Dark Energy, Furphies, and a twist, in Collins Glass

So, it turns out, that dark matter either is--or is not the big deal of things universal, expansion-wise, but I think that the dark energy could very well be the Furphy.

Okay, here is a word I did not have before. "Furphy". eg: "J-lo's pregnancy was a Furphy until we saw the baby-bump."

This word is exceedingly cool, even if I do not entirely grok whether dark energy--or, p.s. our observation of it, has anything to do with the putative end of the world through overexposure . Because as you may suspect--I am all over that.

What I will take away from all of this is that a thing (A Furphy) may exist solely to promote a water-cooler rumor, even like that of the hastening of the Gnab Gib--which is not at all funny, even if it is a valid potentiality--and that it has a bit to do with the psuedomymous Tom Collins . Which thought in and of itself makes me thirsty.

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