Sunday, August 4, 2024

The Mystery of Bob and the Bear


You know, I love a good mystery and this whole scenario has several. The first being--did this actually happen? Yes, someone left a dead bear in Central Park 10 years ago, but RFK, Jr. is out of his mind and might think this is actually really funny even if he didn't do it. Conversely, now that he brings this up, it does seem like something that could happen to him. He is.... interesting. Let's call it that.

But if he did it....

Do I believe someone else hit and killed the bear? (Maybe, but mmmm?)  Do I think he might have been not-sober and hit it--and the story is blaming some random van-lady so he can remove himself from the actual deed? (The idea of a Kennedy just scooping up asphalt specials like Cousin Eddie out here is killing me.)

Is this a story you want on the internet? Especially if you are running for political office? And I don't mean president. Like, city council? Dog catcher? Probably especially not dog catcher.

How is it he is happening to tell this to MAGA superfan Roseanne Barr? (The best part is this is Roseanne freakin' Barr, and even she is shooting him looks like "You crazy son of a bitch!")

Why stage an accident?  And "just for yuks" makes no sense. You don't have to stage an "accident" with a roadkill animal. It's roadkill. Leave it on a road. People will assume hit and run and pay it no mind. This poor critter got left in the exact way and place to generate attention. That is very weird. Government resources got spent trying to figure this out.

And finally, wild animals are different from domesticated, but regardless, you want to clean and dress an animal for food right away. Owing to their diet and quirks of evolution, bears can live in harmony with their various internal parasites in a way we humans would not. If Kennedy is in the habit of eating environment-aged roadkill (and I'm a city girl, but no snob about such matters) especially without really cooking that carcass to a doneness, I think we may have figured out one way he might have gotten a brainworm.

And this guy is getting more than 1% in the polls. Mystery of mysteries. 

UPDATE: There is a picture!

Because of course you would want to memorialize this with a photo, right? There is something so odd an inappropriate about it--mocking the dead thing by pretending the bear is biting him, the gash on the small carcass's chest, that really makes one wonder about this man's mind. 

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