Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Did She "Take One for the Team"?


I tried to avoid commenting on the NBC/Ronna McDaniel thing because the idea of a television network stunt casting a political commentator so obviously from "the conservative" side felt like a weird gimmick to me. I don't watch opinion-driven news that much for my own health and mental well-being. When I watch people obviously dissemble, I want to throw things at the tv set. If I were a news host who had someone on my set just being an insultingly gross liar, I would want to throw them off my tv set. 

NBC has now decided after mere days and the revolt of many on-air personalities, who felt sandbagged at having McDaniel, pro-insurrectionist hack, thrust upon their network and impugning their journalistic reputations by association, that they have made a terrible mistake. Away she goes!

Here's where my cynicism comes in--doesn't it feel a bit like sheep dip? $300k isn't a bad investment to demonstrate that journalism can't have the likes of go-along-to-get-along unindicted co-conspirators with the Trump attempted coup. From another direction, McDaniel now has been cancel-cultured. See how the media treats even mainstream Republicans?

See? I'm cynical. It was a shocking thing that perpetuates exactly more of the same.

1 comment:

Ten Bears said...

Pretty obvious: the national broadcasting corporation is in the bag for trump

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