Friday, April 10, 2020

Yes, This is April 10th

Super Tuesday, regardless of the verb tense that the president appears to be using (he has a Very Good Brain, he tells us!) happened five weeks ago. We actually have the results from those elections, and no, what he's saying isn't even remotely true. Most people who could have voted for either Sanders or Warren, voted for Sanders. People who supported Warren up until she dropped out after Super Tuesday weren't automatically Sanders supporters afterward. The media isn't reporting this as a fact because it isn't one. If he believes it is, he's reealllly quite staggeringly bad at math. (In much the way he is at spelling or geography or history, or meteorology, or epidemiology, or...or, you know, government.)

But I think he's trying to troll Sanders supporters into a game of agreeing with him that the elections are rigged, and that Trump is at least honest enough to tell you that. He trying this out because Sanders dropped out and he thinks he can capitalize (?!) But it's just nonsense to be talking about five whole weeks ago as if nothing else happened in the interim. A lot happened. March 2020 was like, the longest month on record.

It's just weirdly obvious and desperate anymore. He's flailing, like empty clothes on a line in a storm.

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