Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Old Boys' Club

I recall when writing about Fox News' ongoing issues with Bill O'Reilly and Roger Ailes' multiple allegations of sexual misconduct as thinking of this culture as probably being unique to that institution of retrograde and cranky notions, even though I should know better. When you hear that someone like Matt Lauer* was able to survive as a top-paid media personality for years despite allegations of sexual misconduct, it has to be necessary to examine the culture that tolerated him. It's the same culture that tolerated Harvey Weinstein, even killing stories about him because for some reason, networks didn't want to pursue issues about rape and sexual harassment. Fox News and NBC aren't even in a class by themselves. CBS was a horror-show, and not just regarding news personalities.

It's depressing that men have covered for men in this way. It's disturbing to know that men you considered more or less decent and intelligent are drawn to sex pests (even pedophiles) as friends, despite knowing full well the counts against them as human beings. It's freakish to witness a credibly-accused attempted acquaintance-rapist sits on a SCOTUS bench, and has his alleged sins wiped away by a multiply-accused President* in front of a group of so-called "Values Voters"*.

And you can see these people who believe they are the good people applaud, because obviously, the kinds of women who make accusations aren't the good kind of people, because they are fallen, and the kind of men accusations are made about are the right sort of people, because they have risen in the world. (I can honestly not think of anything that puts me off religion than exactly this kind of thinking.)

If that is not "rape culture"--an entire culture where abuse against people on account of sex is pardoned and excused and ignored, I do not know what else to call it. Ecrasez l'infame!

* Yikes--Matt Lauer.  We shall never wonder "Where in the world?" but only "What in the world?" from this point on.

* Forty-three new allegations are detailed in a book regarding President Trump's relationships with women. This is Bill Cosby-level accusations.  Donald Trump worked for NBC on a show called The Celebrity Apprentice and is also alleged to have horked shit-tons of Adderall up his face. And I think it really shows.

*The Family Research Council is an actual hate group against LGBT people. Appearing before these assholes should be considered an insult to every person in the queer mishpocha. Call it "virtue-signaling" on my part for saying so.

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