Sunday, February 9, 2025

A Constitutional Crisis and a Confederacy of Dumbasses


Huh. You know, if a general violated any international treaties and committed war crimes, a judge would very legitimately have something to say about that. A judge could certainly reject the case of an attorney general and determine that their reading of the law was wrong if it very much was. And the idea that judges can determine that an act of Congress or of the executive office was in violation of the Constitution is called "checks and balances." The old separation of powers thing where we don't want any branch of government to be really dictatorial. 

This is the "are you smarter than a fifth grader?" level of understanding how our government works.  Senators Mike Lee and Tom Cotton also played very dumb about what they should have very earnestly understood based on their own education. 

Sometimes, pets, we don't get our way and we don't get mad. We appeal, or we accept we are very, very wrong. I notice that the congressional folks would like the judiciary to decide Trump is right because they don't want to have to pass a law making him right because ugh--so hard! And maybe unpopular!

Maybe the dumbasses who support Trump including his spare tire should act like they understand how our government is supposed to work instead of trying to break it. 

That way, they could maintain basic credibility in case of emergency instead of looking VERY culpable. Just a thought! Because otherwise it feels like they don't understand the oath of office they took at all. A serious problem--no? 

(We don't expect Trump to understand shit because he is obviously very impaired and delusional. In a serious administration, the 25th amendment might apply but Vance is a knee-walking cretin, so, no.) 

But how do we simply enforce common sense and support the shit everyone is supposed to know? 

Beats the hell out of me.  It was supposed to be elections. The fourth estate.  Free public education. 

I'm kind of fucked up about this. But I know I blame Republicans, so that's something. 

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A Constitutional Crisis and a Confederacy of Dumbasses

  Huh. You know , if a general violated any international treaties and committed war crimes, a judge would very legitimately have something ...