Sunday, November 17, 2024

Triumph of the Swill: TrumpWorld Edition


Once a long time ago, I wrote about the Triumph of the Swill.  We are right back here, swilling it again. Did you know that Russia did disinfo HARD on matters regarding anti-vaxx? The exact thing that RFK Jr., who was put up to it by Mike Flynn, would entirely be about if in office? Because I have to know that.--I am letting you know that. Also, did you know that Lil' Miss supposedly anti-war Tulsi Gabbard thinks Russia had to address the lying ass biowarfare sites bullshit that was obviously all made up? 

Of all the things that piss me off about TrumpWorld, it is that too many people stand ready to absorb absolute nonsense shot directly at their faceholes through altogether stupidly transparently dumbass fake news outlets. 

We've been under attack for a good long while. Someone like Elon Musk, who really does not want anyone to consider whether he's got any foreign influence, seems to have spread disinfo to affect the US election. 

I for one don't care to be deceived. I must assume Trumpfans love being lied to though. They take to it so well, cling to it so often, lash out angrily when their bullshit tit is taken out of their lil mouths. 


Anyway. GOP Moses want to keep the Gaetz ethics probe report under wraps. Wow. From the august body once headed by Denny Hastert, I guess I can totally feel where Mike Johnson, formerly of the Paul Pressler School of Law or whatever. thinks he's coming from. 

Apparently covering up for sex pests is his idea of loyalty, a very weird characteristic in a man already kind of weird for not having any bank accounts and having also "adopted" a young man of color--just like Gaetz once did. 

I'm not cool with this thing where we are fxing to sweep actual corruption under the rug, do away with transparency and not try to weed out actual malefactors who will work to undermine our various good goddamn offices of state. 

But this is how Trumpworld works--weaponize stupidity and ignorance. Corrupt everything. Undermine the idea of good governance. We deserve better--but a lot of people voted for THIS/ 

Are they paying attention yet?  Can we figure put a way yet to save people from believing outright lies and understanding why the Trump rule will mean undermining every good thing we ever built? 

The way to break through against the bullshit has to exist--this is the main problem to solve for. 

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