Wednesday, October 23, 2024

TWGB: This Polished Coprolite


So, Monday I found myself thinking about Trump wanting and accepting Purple Hearts even though his probably fake bone spurs prevented him from actually serving our country when young when Trump stood in front of a backdrop of ruin and disaster and human tragedy--and accepted a french fry pin for doing a dopey photo op in a swing state from someone who for some reason decided that the way to handle Trump is to go the "Dear Leader" juche approach. Trump, while there, having disrupted relief efforts, defended his lies about FEMA that already resulted in the arrest of a man who threatened violence. 

It's really, really hard to imagine a shittier human being--but just watch! He gets shittier!

He since went on to say, in all sincerity to a person asking about what he would do regarding education that he would end the gender re-assignment surgeries that absolutely are not happening in schools. You can't get Tylenol in a public school without a permission slip. Teachers are buying crayons and construction paper out of pocket. And this deeply disturbed person thinks hours-long surgeries are being given out for free to minors? With no parental consent? And he said it all to demonize schools, teachers, trans kids. To spread hate as fertilizer for his own benefit.

It's beneath contempt to think that anyone takes this seriously. It's "children who identify as cats use litter boxes at school" level stupid. Anyone with a modicum of critical thought would understand why you don't say something that weird and wrong out loud where thinking people could hear--

But Trump does this consistently. The wrongest, dumbest, most inflammatory things--which he never takes back no matter how divisive and damaging (see "they are eating the dogs!" or, obviously, the election lies that spurred 1/6) are practically accepted as just normal TrumpWorld discourse. Every Trump lying story should be "Deluded Man Rants about Shit that Most Definitely Never Happened". 

So, when Trump promised to pay for the funeral of a murdered US servicemember, and then balked at the cost, saying "it doesn't cost $60K to bury a fucking Mexican" and then didn't pay--does that tree fall in a forest of bullshit and no one in TrumpWorld hears how sick that is? 

This human being served this country, and to Trump, could only ever be a "fucking Mexican"? Not because of anything she ever had done to him, but because he is so reflexively cheap and bigoted he had to show out what HE is?  A racist fool? (His disdain of miliary service has a familial pedigree.)

Because it should matter. It should matter that what General Kelly, former Trump COS and Gold Star father, says verifies so many horrible things Trump has said about our military and especially the fallen., and advises us that based on his experience, Trump would rule like a dictator. And he also shows that Trump demonstrates a bizarrely limited sense of history.

Trump is a feckless phenomenal dipshit who talks endlessly about windmill cancer and televisions not working if the sun isn't shining for people using solar and who once suggested magnets don't work if they get wet. Forget asking if this man is currently impaired--maybe he was never ever any kind of smart?  These things are not some kind of dumb "bit" or "sketch" he's doing in a comedic fashion--he just is stupid and delusional. 

He praised Hitler's generals. Not because he knows who they were or what they did--but because they were Hitler's. He praises Kim Jong-Un and Xi because of the kind of loyalty he craves and demonstrates everyday how much he despises the First Amendment. And how he would punish journalists and political "enemies."

And yet he compares himself favorably to Washington, Lincoln, and Reagan. Not because it's a jokey take on his alleged narcissism. Folks, I think he's really just that delusional. 

I don't know who gets moved at this point in time by the clear and obvious proof that Trump hates our vets and is fascist as fuck. I want to think that understanding that using the dead heroes interred at Arlington for a photo op is disqualifyingly wrong, but I can't say what the floor is for Trump. He is, to my way of thinking, so obviously lower than tubeworms living in the Marinas Trench, to the extent that I want to kick myself for possibly defaming tubeworms, but his supporters don't want to know about it. 

In a realistic world, anyone who tried to shine this coprolite up as a diamond would be forever shunned as a fraud. 

Reality is apparently a very tricky thing. But the truth is a casualty of fascism. It depends on lies, both little and Big. 

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TWGB: This Polished Coprolite

  So, Monday I found myself thinking about Trump wanting and accepting Purple Hearts even though his probably fake bone spurs prevented him...