Saturday, October 12, 2024

This Man Wants People to Be Killed


Trump is calling migrant people murderers, rapists, deadbeats, everything but a child of God. He's going harder than he has before on his ethnic cleansing plan. He's associating people of color with low IQ and cultural incompatibility, and insists every one of them is a danger and a failure of a permissive immigration system. 

They--taxpayers and members of the communities they live in, are hogging up your services, he implies. I don't know about you, but I don't go to the hospital unless I need it. Health care in this country isn't free. I assume anyone taking up a hospital bed is actually sick and not looking for some luxury treatment--that is stupid. I believe all children should have access to education, and I truly argue that this can't get your kid into a school thing is actually mindbogglingly stupid. 

Of course you can. Maybe public schools are strained, but they exist, and they take your kid. And migrants are paying taxes, so let's do something about funding public schools better.

Trump doesn't know anything about that real-life situation because he never lived a life where his kids went to public school. When Obama talked about this man never changing a diaper--he is expressing something about the out-of- touch unreality Trump has ALWAYS lived in. Has he bought a loaf of bread in a store? Does this idiot really think people who don't speak English are dangerous? 

This man is talking about revoking birthright citizenship and rounding up all kinds of people to get deported. Even people determined to be here legally before. This is no joke to me--my husband of 22 years is the son of two green-card holders. He was born here. But for political reasons? I mean--he's married to me.

Ae we back to the late 19th century or early 20th asking ourselves who is White enough to be here? What about Italians? What about the Irish? What about Slavs? What about the Jews Trump thinks are the bad kind who have lost their minds and don't support him? 

But about Haitians or other Caribbean people, about African immigrants like people from Nigeria or his weird local thing--the Congo--about Central and South Americans? 

I think you can't miss what his problem is--race. It isn't whether these people are decent or would be hard working folks and pay their taxes and step correct with respects to the law--they would. Trump just doesn't want their blood here. Their genes. Their "contamination".

His mother came from a poor area of Scotland and was raised speaking Gaelic. Who speaks Gaelic?  She cleaned houses. In my mind, this man is disrespecting his mother when he shits on immigrants. He knows, white as she was, her beginnings were humble and it shames him. And how do you account for two of his immigrant wives then? 

Why would someone speaking Creole or Portuguese or Igbo be somehow more derelict? 

I don't have to ask--history already tells me. They just aren't white. But Irish-Americans like myself and Italian-Americans like my husband are late to the white party and I am not forgetting that--and not forgetting Mary MacLeod, either. Even if he seems to want to. (Note--I'm telling you they are calling white people from certain regions dumb because of cultural backgrounds, and I guarantee you White Scots-Irish Appalachian IQ studies would show the same deficiencies on the basis of lack of access to the kind of knowing that the designers of such tests have. It's a quirk of the measurement, not an indictment of the latent abilities of the people that might not have been properly exercised.) 

But that's just a digression and Stanford -Binet have bestowed on me their seal of approval, for all I do with it. Back to Trump--he wants vigilantes. American Carnage. See, some people think when Trump yelled "Fight, fight, fight,": after being shot, he was rallying his people to feel like he was okay or whatever. 

No. I think he just wanted to see angry people tear someone apart in anguish over him. You know, the way he watched the violence of 1/6, doing nothing, with what I assume was a half-hardon. Because it was violence, which is great, but about him, which is better. 

He thinks maybe he could become truly president if a handful or a thousand or maybe close to a million are killed or otherwise done away with. He's signifying who he thinks it is permissible to kill. This election is whether you agree with him on that. Because this is what he's openly running on--raids, camps, deportations, even taking out citizens if they are kind of dodgy--and everyone could be kind of dodgy. 

But in the meanwhile, if anyone wanted to go vigilante, he would say they were passionate.  That's his schtick. He would not disapprove. 

It's up to us voters to do that. Not in my name. Not in my country's name. We will not do this man's ethnic cleansing vision. We should be better than this. 

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This Man Wants People to Be Killed

  Trump: "You cannot get into a hospital, by the way. Because the migrants have all the beds. You cannot get into a hospital. You cann...