Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Sorry, Lying is not a Superpower


Trump is the only candidate in half a century (my lifetime!) who cancelled like a little bitch. The good journalists of 60 Minutes are not Blog-Standard so they don't call him a little bitch. But you know what?

I feel like it was implied. 

Let's talk about Trump and lying--he does do that. He calls the press "liars" because they fact-check him and he can't handle the truth because he is, in fact, a little bitch.  He wants people to think he is being persecuted by the lying press so people don't trust the media and only hear what comes out of his lying mouth. It has worked on people situated in the Fox News Mushroom Farm because they are used to being kept in the dark and fed shit. They have been told to sneer at the elite liberal media apparatus and see fact-checking as a dirty trick. 

But I just want to direct your attention to something Trump said in a very friendly interview with Hugh Hewitt. Sure, he said a lot that suggested that he thought melanated people coming across our border were more genetically murdery--which is some really wild and racist stuff. But he also implied that Kamala Harris wasn't intelligent because she couldn't tell complicated lies. 

Vice-President Harris not lying is somehow a bad thing? Like, lying is good? 

TrumpWorld seems to think so.  Trump lies. He picked JD Vance as his running mate, and Vance was mad about fact-checking and seems to be a pathological liar himself. But if just telling the truth utterly confounds you--how good a superpower (the thing a little child learns to do and eventually gets spanked but good for it?) can it be?

Now, I know, and you probably know, that Trump is trying to say Harris isn't as smart as he is because he believes that as a white man from a wealthy background, he just naturally knows what's what and how to deal with it. She doesn't and doesn't even know how to fake knowing properly. 

And he barely understands how a bill becomes a law, is ignorant about climate change and his notions about foreign policy are mad sketchy. Listen to this raving idiot, at any time. And understand that he is weak as fuck for dictators. Like, an asslicker. And dumb as fuck about anything. 

Lying is Trump's only superpower and it is easily combatted by--fact checking? Telling the truth? 

So anyway, Kamala Harris has been doing interviews that are NOT as cuddly as Trump in the bosom of Hugh Hewitt or Laura Ingraham. And she is capable, relatable, and competent, which are things Trump is just--not anymore. 

So maybe Trump lies are not a superpower, and the media should just treat him like a liar and a gutless little bitch afraid of the truth from here on in. Because it is very sad. but he is demented and can't tell fact from fiction and it is very true that he lies like he breathes and it is not a good thing. 

UPDATE: Did I mention he was exactly this level of Putin's little bitch? Because if I didn't, like sorry. But this is exactly what I mean by little bitchhood. The nost bitchassedness. 

It sounds bad because it is bad. 

1 comment:

Ten Bears said...

Triple Whammy: Three Top Ten Sins ~ It has been well established that the claim to knowledge of, to know the mind of God is Taking the Lord’s Name in Vain; a sin, one of the top ten. God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent – it says so right here on the label. Their mind cannot be known by mere humans. Strike one. Whammy

It is as well established that lying is a sin, one of the top ten sins. Lying for Jesus is not only lying, a sin, one of the top ten, but Jesus is God, is One with God: it follows lying for Jesus is not only lying, a sin, one of the top ten sins, but Taking the Lord’s Name in Vain, whammy number one. Strike Two, double-whammy

Claiming to Know the Mind of God, Lying for Jesus, are not only sins, of the top ten sins, but are Bearing False Witness, also a sin, one of the top ten. Lies, Taking the Lord’s Name in Vain. Strike three, triple-whammy, they’re all going to Hell

I'm not passing judgement, I'm just reading it from their book ...

Sorry, Lying is not a Superpower

  For more than half a century, the major party candidates for president have sat down with 60 Minutes. This year, Vice President Kamala Ha...