Saturday, August 24, 2024

As the Worm Turns...


TrumpWorld has gained the endorsement of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. For what it's worth.

It's the endorsement of a conspiracy theorist who staged an accident for a dead bear cub, but not before posing with his hand in it's mouth, a man who allows it is possible there may be multiple claims of sexual harassment of assault against him, who had a brain worm because maybe he does eat roadkill--but vaccines are bad kids! and who is basically disowned by his family and his former party

TrumpWorld thinks this is a big "get". Or at least, they are advertising as one. 

This is what they mean by "winning." 

It was always a ratfuck. Bob Kennedy was always a rodent dildo

Sure, the campaigns of RFK, Jr. and Trump, both funded by Timothy Mellon, played at being adversarial. But that's just professional wrestling, isn't it? A work. You know, for heat.  Get the crowds roped in. And here is the payoff. (Well, actually the payoff is where TrumpWorld starts talking about what three-letter agency they pretend they want to put Kennedy in. HHS? CIA!!??? For some reason, Kennedy wants a job.)

What this isn't is a heel turn for Kennedy--the Democratic party had a good idea what he was for more than a minute. He turned a long time ago. That's why Kennedy complained that the Harris folks wouldn't take his calls. He has nothing normal people would want. He's got name recognition--but for what? 

In TrumpWorld, though, this is all you need. He's a "Kennedy". It's just his gimmick. Like the Undertaker Mark Calaway isn't an actual dead guy, or like Jim Harris wasn't an actual cannibal from "deepest, darkest Africa."  TrumpWorld isn't normal, after all--it's been weird. There's hardly a floor anymore. 

But there's weird, and then there's weird. JD Vance should be a little nervous--that picture up there looks like a tag team. with chemistry. And Vance can't even get his gimmick to get over. 

UPDATE:  He's thinking about it!


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