Wednesday, January 3, 2024

You First, Assholes


Maybe Fox News pretend analysts need to shut up--at least long enough to hear what others are saying.

Actually, successful rock bands are political analysts or at least, seize the zeitgeist and appeal to people because they enunciate feelings other people can vibe with.  Are people really sick of being preached at about politics from rock bands--or is it that something they say resonates and that's why they have a following? I mean, songs like "For What It's Worth", or "Ohio" or "Southern Man" or "Leaving on a Jet Plane" or "Eve of Destruction"--the "freedom rock " Woodstock era stuff I heard as my early lullabies, weren't any more neutral than the "Ballad of the Green Berets" was. 

Now, whether I listened to the Dead Kennedys or INXS or The Clash, I heard politics, even as a kid. I don't understand people who ever listened to the lyrics of Rage Against the Machine and never understood what the machine was. Was it a soda machine? Were they just mad they couldn't get their Barq's root beer jones on?  Of course, they were political. 

Look, one of my ear-influences is Billy Bragg. Punk as fuck. Not punk as fuck--slipping in your old age and deciding Trump is punk. Trump is The Man that fighting the power has been about since, whatever. 

And Green Day's "American Idiot" was explicitly a political album. Just like Neil Young's "Living with War."  Bob Dylan--political. Bruce Springsteen--political. Patti Smith, Bikini Kill, Hole, Pussy Riot. 

Fox News talking heads are not political analysts.  They are propagandists. Who knows what ass they pull what they say from? They aren't musical, they aren't artful, they aren't well-informed, and they say whatever the network wants. Conservatism isn't edgy when they go against the mainstream--mostly they are just counterfactual and fronting for some paymaster--the dead opposite of the punk ethos.

Or to put it in rank Gen X terms--they are sell outs. They want you to dismiss what you are hearing because "you can't handle the reality of it". But you totally could get "woke" if you listened to the lyrics around you.  Fox News "analysts" are fake and don't represent anything going on in the real world. If they want someone to stop talking about politics--instead of shutting up artists who care about the world, they could shut the hell up because they just care about payday. 

Maybe the Boomers who listen to Fox should go ahead and re-listen to that "freedom rock" I teethed on as a kid. It was politics. And a lot of it was dead-on. 


Comrade Misfit said...

But they have no problem with what Ted Nugent has to day.

Hypocritical bastards. But it's what we've come to expect from Fascist News.

S M McBean said...

Sing it, sister!

Anonymous said...

And let's not forget a (mostly) after-Beatles John Lennon and Creedence, just two who came immediately to mind.

Ten Bears said...

Volunteers of America

Richard said...

Are the Faux News analysts even human? In this day of AI,seems to me like a clever machine could do that, maybe even better than these meat puppets.

Vixen Strangely said...

AI would be the Faux News dream: on-air talent that was relatively inexpensive, never ages, instantly reprogrammable, and never a lawsuit over contracts or harassment.

Ten Bears said...

AI cannot replace a short skirt center seat ...

Grung_e_Gene said...

Republicans have no culture. They've tried to claim all manner of rock music, from Raygun's inappropriate appropriation of Born in the USA, to Racist Limpballs using The Pretenders for his stupid show opener, to Sarah Palin stealing Tom Petty's American Girl, to Grandma starving' Paul Ryan saying Rage Against the Machine was his favorite band, to some cookie cutter Republican white bread dude saying "We're not going to Take it" was a conservative anthem.

No one except for Kid Rock is a conservative musician and calling Kid Rock a musician is a stretch.

Tammy Bruce claimed Green Day was raging for the machine.

Republicans hate America.

Anonymous said...

Child of 60’s here, all songs of love and peace seam so far away now

Ashes, Ashes

  There's a Tweet going around about the above two that one knows he's going to hell and the other doesn't, but that isn't i...