Sunday, May 14, 2023

What Rough Beast Slouches Towards Iowa?


The whackadoodles of Mike Flynn's travelling psyops parade decamped at the Doral where they were welcomed among the other bedbugs. It's an explicitly Christian Nationalist gimmick, and many Christians do not enjoy the political posturing. While Trump was not there in actuality, he was there in the form of his idiot son Eric and probably Lara Trump--they have been tight with this weird community of anti-vaxxers and convoy-promoters and school board and hospital protesters. And when his Iowa rally was called supposedly due to the weather, The Former Guy called in to let convicted and pardoned felon, the man who was collecting bucks from Russia and Turkey, Mike Flynn, know that he was definitely welcome in a second Trump Administration.  As he's been saying

Of course, one should be aware by now that Flynn is, to put it delicately, batshit. Someone who wants to overthrow the government, celebrates chaos, and thinks there's vaccines in the salad dressing isn't normal.  But this is Mr. 5th Generation Warfare, the guy who is telling his followers to look out because the internet is being used to tell people weird shit in order to manipulate them. Which is fun stuff from the guy whose son spread Pizzagate memes in 2016 and himself talked about Agenda 21, which is actually dead stupid. 

The coterie of kooks include Julie Green, who I almost feel sad for, because she is on a level of toxic dumb shit that is hard to divorce from thinking--is she okay? Why do people let her just be delusional like this? Is there money in it? 

(I mean like, fortunetellers do get paid sometimes, it's a reliable bunco. But when someone is so repeatedly wrong, shouldn't they they get moved to the next town by ripped-off and unhappy customers? Unless they have found the marksiest of the marks. And that is the Trump mishpocha. They want to believe.) 

So back to Iowa and the rally that wasn't--did Trump really postpone his rally because of the coming storm? I thought he was the storm! (Ha, ha! Q humor! Oh by the way, did you know Twitter-based Q and environs researcher Jim Stewartson is being sued by Mike Flynn because he's accusing Flynn of being Q? Stewartson is irascible and paranoid, but to his credit, he detests Flynn with a heat you can warm your hands by. Also too, like when Flynn sued CNN over whether he and his whole family were all about Q, who even knows if this is about plausible deniability or money-grubbing on his part? Both? Flynn is a grifter now and wants paid and also wants to be taken seriously. That shit shouldn't work. It could though.)

So anyway, in Trump's absence, Ron and Casey (Swamp Skeeter Evita) DeSantis got on up on a table. 

They did not say "lost a lot of elections because Trump is always on the ballot with Republicans", and maybe they didn't need to. And look at that picture up top--Ron DeSantis being Mr. Steal Your Gworl with Mike Pence. He's already signifying Pence-levels of discrimination against LGBT people with his Don't Say Gay stuff and his medical discrimination bullshit. They look so ready to bond up there. Over the remains of the Trump era. Over the theocratic potential they could seriously unleash together--without an openly insurrectionist theocratic flea circus of weirdos.

Because at some point, the man who drew a Sharpie circle on a map for whatever reason to include Alabama, drew a Sharpie around Iowa and said, the weather is getting nasty. Nasty like Hillary Clinton, or Kaitlin Collins?  Anyway, he gave an inch, and DeSantis might take a mile. Well, a couple feet. He's wearing high-heel boots and all. 

Yeah, I'm on no one's side here. I would like a big smashup for all of these people, actually. They are all the worst politics has to offer and for them I give the malocchio

I missed if RFK Jr. had stuff to say there at the Doral bedbug circus, yet, but he's supposed to be there--all the more reason to miss him by miles and miles. Showing up with the weirdoes makes him a weirdo--no more, no less. 

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