Sunday, December 25, 2022

The War on Christmas


You can tell me there was no room at the inn, but does anyone honestly mean to say there was no room--in Texas? Or was it only that in his fondness for the stranger (as even He had been a sojourner in Egypt), Governor Abbott felt it correct to send these people across a storm-thrown passage because he couldn't be sure he could keep the lights on for them?



tony in san diego said...

he don't care...he just got re-elected. he can do whatever he wants.

Vixen Strangely said...

Weird as it is for me to admit, I sort of thought that the busing stunts were a pre-election thing to shore up anti-immigration, bigoted bona fides, and it jars me to discover that, nope--this cretin really does think this *is* a policy option for dealing with other human beings.

Ten Bears said...

I don't have any sympathy for the people of Texas going through a deep-freeze right now without any electricity ~ my mother included. Karma's a mean bitch, they deserve whatever they got coming.

Time to kick Texas to the curb ...

Vixen Strangely said...

I'm of such a divided mind on the problem of states like Texas (and Florida). Beto-O'Rourke, who I really think has been doing the work, say "Texas isn't a red state, it's a non-voting state." Well, why in the face of 30 years of cluelessness and corruption with Republicans in charge are the non-voters so complacent? Why don't they think they deserve better?

And I look at goons like Ted Cruz and wonder: do they just not think anyone at all deserves better? Are they just living hoping someone else, somewhere, gets shafted because they can't entertain the idea that government is supposed to do stuff, fix stuff, be a tool for them, not a tool used against them?

And if that is the real deal (I note that the area around Uvalde voted Republican this last election and their government services are wildly inadequate) I don't know how fixable that is. First people have to know they need a change.

Cthulhu said...

@Vixen; I compare it to battered spouse syndrome. Makes as much sense as anything else does.

That said, always remember that with the Republicans, the cruelty is the point.

Kwark said...

I think it's safe to say the all the Republicans I know are pretty sure that ANY position held by a non-Republican (not just Democrat) is wrong and most likely an intentional evil focused on hurting them personally. Regardless of demonstrable outcome for them personally (like social security).

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