Wednesday, October 12, 2022

You Can't Wring the Truth out of Alex Jones


Today, a jury decided that Alex Jones' did about a $1 billion worth of damage to grieving families by maliciously lying about them repeatedly over the airwaves, costing them their piece of mind, safety, health, financial security--he just basically made money by opening his lying trash mouth over and over again to call these people liars over, of all things, the brutal tragic deaths of their children. 

For his part, Alex Jones says that he hasn't got the money--he's bankrupt. He swears they will never see a cent as he fundraises. He fundraises so he can continue to do the work of--lying his face off. 

Now, I am a firm believer that if you are such a demented fuckmuppet that you can completely understand that this man perpetrated a politically biased and wholly made-up campaign of lies that ruined the lives of innocent, grieving people and still support Jones that you basically should by all means be hosed of your money. I also believe that if you somehow still and all believe in Alex Jones' lies, there are worse things you could be doing with your money, because by GOD! you are a sick one, aren't you! And I am a believer that somehow, someway, the law will attach the properties of one Alex Jones and alleviate him of his ill-grifted valuta, bankruptcy proceedings or no.  I think one court might take a dim view of being used to circumvent the purposeful findings of another. 

What can't be adequately done, however, is wring the truth out of this monster, and worse yet, you can't wring it out of the kind of monsters who support his lying. 

Now--this man has said demented things that no person in their right mind should be capable of believing, because just a basic awareness of the workings of the world should militate against it. Things like weather machines and actual public figures being part of a ring of demonic pedophiles is an awful lot to choke down for someone who has their head on straight. He says purposefully horrific things all the time for attention.  For clicks and likes and people following him to hear more crazy shit. The idea that there are people who like what he says and then go ahead and believe it gags me with biggest of all possible spoons. 

Jones apologists can pretend this man apologized and disavowed what he said. If he truly felt remorse in anyway, his shenanigans regarding the two court cases (with one to come) would have been utterly different, but instead, he used his time to whine, rage, complain, bitch that he was being shut up and silenced for his truth--not facing the consequences of actual lies, told by him, that he recognized as such and felt any way about. He can't have that both ways. 

The problem for the right wing is, they legitimized this huckster. But why not? Trump, of Trump University and the Trump Foundation, both found to be frauds, wouldn't see any wrong in Jones. Tucker Carlson seems to aspire to be Glenn Beck and Alex Jones' circle jerk spank rag baby. And Steve Bannon literally still has a following of the kind of tools who donated money to Build a Wall that was supposed to be built by either Mexico or US tax dollars and was never going to be built with their money (that went to yachts and whatnots). They aren't just his supporters--they are his kith, kin and kind!

So when gormless goober JD Vance, who recently told us he was a hillbilly from Youngstown, OH (give or take 4 hrs. drive) who may yet feel dignity dancing like a phantom limb that doesn't know it's gone around his sense of propriety, well, eh--this is him last year:

calling Alex Jones more reputable than Rachel Maddow, and censored by "the regime." Alex Jones, who talks about gay frogs, false flags, and government mind control, is somehow more reputable than Maddow and is censored by the regime of--what? People who know truth from fiction? People who care about whether dangerous lies are hurting others? Shit. 

Does Vance need a shovel, or does he prefer the hardscrabble digging of the hole he's in with his soft, bare hands? 

When Charlie Kirk fails to understand what exactly, the problem is with Alex Jones lying in a way that effectually destroyed the safety and peace of mind of already suffering people:

Yeah, the figure for the damages does seem very punitive--probably because Jones' fully unremorseful attitude did nothing for the jury (not regime, jury) who decided it. Regular people, not some Deep State cabal, decided this, because normal people (who do not need to change the water in their heads because the fish are dying) can understand right from wrong. 

Also, here we are with the "regime" again--wholly failing to grasp that Jones lied and people were hurt by it. And this was something that wasn't just made a law yesterday--oh. Wait. Maybe Kirk is afraid this will be him someday--here's a word: try not to hurtfully lie about other people and you should be good. Of course, Kirk doesn't understand what empathy is, so.  Maybe that difference, between doing harm and not doing harm, escapes him. That would be being the definition of a psychopath, by the way.  FYI. 

And of course, Marginal Traitor Fiend had her say--also failing to understand that words can do harm and these people were materially harmed, because she, too, likes to dabble in conspiracy theories and flap her gums about people who are already down. 

None of them care about the truth. None of them care about the harm done. They hang together like scoundrel paper dolls joined at the hips. 

When the one thing in the world we could use is honesty, you could get blood from a stone easier than the truth from any of them. Money has its uses and its place, and I would love to see Infowars scrubbed out, but the truth still only flickers away from the folks Jones willfully endarkened with nasty lies. And you would not compel him to set that straight for all the good it would actually do. 

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