Wednesday, May 4, 2022

It's Only A Hundred Years or so...


The more I think about the idea, present in Justice Alito's leaked draft of the decision to overturn Roe about the idea of rights "deeply rooted" in US tradition, the more I think about how women have really only had the right to vote for a hundred years give or take, and how he cited a man who didn't think marital rape was a crime and had witches executed. (It seems like I was just talking about how "witchcraft" and repro rights were related....) 

In just over a hundred years, part of feminist work has been not just to assert our right to manage our reproduction by way of birth control, but to even fight for the concept of consent with respect to our bodies themselves--to not be raped, to be made child brides, to be sterilized, and are still incomplete

I have a good idea what a step back would mean for us. We can't take one step back. Not one. 

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