Monday, April 11, 2022

TWGB: Why I Don't Give A Frick About the Fricking Laptop


For some damn dumb reason, Donald Trump needed to make his daughter and her husband part of his administration. Just the way his business has always been a family business, one might say. This gave them an extraordinary opportunity to enrich themselves, while carrying out "US policy", which could, given all we know, basically mean using the US as the means to facilitate very profitable and extremely unethical relationships for themselves without respect to actual US interests or even global reputation.

This is because Trump and family don't give a shit about those things.  I have nothing but hollow, mocking laughter for people who pretend otherwise, and I'll append the phrase "And they called it 'America First'!" in the same way comedians have delivered the punchline of the infamous dirty joke: the aristocrats.

Take Don, Jr (please!).  It appears that the boy determined to be too stupid to collude when he actually received an email offering dirt on the opposition that basically said: We are from the Russian government and we're here to help you, was actively passing on methods on how to subvert the lost election and overturn it in his father's favor.  Before the election was actually called, as if he knew (because eveyone did) that his dad would lose and didn't care whether it was "rigged" or not, because of course he didn't.

Should we think "too dumb to collude" is the same as "too dumb to do sedition"? Inquiring minds genuinely want to know. In the same way I wonder about the burner phones that were used by the Kremer family, and Eric and Lara Trump on January 6th. Maybe someone can fill us in a bit more about the rally planning?  (I know expecting Ali Alexander to tell the truth and the whole truth, etc. is a stretch, but based on his intense bragging about his connections at the time on the riot, I would not be surprised at the bodies he'd drop under the rental buses.) 

Anyways--about that laptop? You know, the fake scandal that involves a member of President Biden's family who is not a part of his administration and was not a part of his campaign? Well, the fake scandal regarding Burisma or Chinese funds and all that was so not interesting or verifiable that something a bit more wicked was actually intended--a CP accusation that was backed by serial disinformer Guo Wengui. Steve Bannon's buddy. (The one who's yacht he was arrested on and who might be bankrupt now suddenly for reasons.)  I guess that what makes that a little funny for me is that when Trump wasn't asking Russia for help or extorting Ukraine for help against Joe Biden, he was also inviting China to give him some dirt

So anyway, since the Trump family is actually a bunch of disgusting mobbed-up seditious treasonweasels, I feel like Hunter Biden is the very least of our troubles. So people who support Trump and even breathe about Hunter Biden trying to work for a living and make good money can fuck themselves. And also too, Project Veritas went after his sister over a diary that she wrote when she was in part in rehab which is sleazy as fuck, so long story short, conservatives are gross and went after Biden's family and he still beat them. 

And Trump's family is a bunch of greedhead sickos who need to be fully investigated and prosecuted. So when anyone brings up the laptop, um. Fuck'em. The Trumps are orders of magnitude worse. I can't be bothered with their scandal-ette. And any GOP mutant who Tweets "Where's Hunter?" is playing with fire, because one day we can ask where's (some Trump) and hopefully say "in prison where their treasonous ass belongs." 

(DOJ, come on through.) 


Ten Bears said...

Have you looked at the way prince bone-saw looks at Ivanka?

I wonder what kind of collateral Jared put up ...

Vixen Strangely said...

*Probably* the Saudis are just ingratiating themselves because they think Trump's coming back and they still want influence, and what better than to operate puppet Jared through his pocket?

But you remind me of a terrible speculation I have about the Trump kids, esp. Ivanka--I tend to think of them as the products of abuse. Trump notoriously cheated on and allegedly raped and beat their mom, but instead of being like, "Screw you, old man, I'll get my own job!" they all came to work for him and support him politically. I feel like a lot of that was emotional abuse, of the kind of "You little shits would be nothing without me so you better grovel" type. Giving in and living large even if it felt like eating dirt felt easier after they were internally wrecked by a narcissistic shit of a dad.

But I saw a picture of the very small Trump kids with Don Sr and Jeffrey Epstein. I don't believe for a minute Trump didn't know what that man was. Ivanka in her teens walked for Elite Modeling, run by John Casablancas, an outfit that was notorious for sort of loaning out its often underage "talent" to clients, and running a modeling contest scheme that gave sexual access to young girls to celebrity "judges"--like Donald Trump. I don't think he didn't know what that was about either.

What I'm implying is bleak and I don't know if it didn't cross my mind only because my opinion of Trump literally could not be lower--but he never shielded his kids from the sleaziest people. I know that Trump's relationships with people are pretty obviously transactional: he sees them as ledger items, assets and liabilities. Did he see his kids that way, too? Especially Ivanka? Just what was Trump's idea of "take your children to work" day?

Those kids are grown and parents themselves, and responsible for themselves as people can be--but child abuse often starts in the home and leads to some pretty f'd up power relationships in people's lives later on. So while it feels like a crude thing to suggest what Jared and Ivanka's diplomatic skills are besides also being useless monied parasites who can therefore relate to others of their class, I can't rule out that ...other thing. Dark as fuck as it might be. (Allegedly, speculatively, all legal disclaimers obtain, etc.)

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