Friday, April 8, 2022

They Couldn't Spoil It--Almost


I think I could take a moment to acknowledge something really good and historic happened yesterday and really leave it at that...

But I would be a whole other person if I did not take note of the churlish, contemptuous behavior of the GOP jackaloons that still wanted to be sullen and snitty about the smears that they actually made up. The reason I can't leave it alone is that it was unnecessary for them to try and damage someone's reputation with that kind of calumny, but also the nature of it ("She's a friend tto sex fiends!") is a conspiracy theory classic from the same text as blood libel--a kissing cousin, so to speak, of QAnon.

You can't get a whole bunch of people to believe a cabal of baby-eaters is running the world--but depicting a group as deviant is not as hard a lift and can be just as dangerous. They did this to make her unpalatable by pre-smearing the people who would vote for her confirmation with a kind of guilt by association, vide MTG's despicable Tweet:

She says "Any Senator voting to confirm #KJB (sic) is pro-pedophile just like she is." Right out there for the kids who are slow on the uptake and need it spelled all the way out for them. And of course, Marginal Traitor Greed is a vicious lying extremist, I guess that really is all I have to say about that. But she has definitely articulated, baldly, what Senator Hawley tried to set in motion/ 

In any case, I'd like to think that only the far-right, already Q-enmired types would think this plausible, but I can't help but notice how neatly it folds into the new claim that people opposing the dangerous and dumb "Don't Say Gay" bills are "groomers". This tactic isn't pure politics--it's eliminationist. It uses fear to silence people and wage terror on those who don't stay silent. 

So while I want to embrace this history-making moment, I am disgusted by the antics of those who decided now was a great time to play a dangerous and stupid game with the process. 


Dan Kleiner said...

it's funny. if MTG (R-steroids) is REALLY looking for the child-traffickers, the sex-criminals and the groomers, she just has to look to her left every time she appears with matt gaetz (R-funko pop!)

it's fucking pathetic, especially for the party of tang the conqueror,(denny hastert, tom foley, etc) who's never meet a woman he didn't want to molest.

but yeah, it's about eliminationism. if the democratic party is full of demon-spawn, child-rapers, (((globalists))) and groomers, then anything the gop does, no matter how nihilistic or nefarious is fair game.

"those who can Make You believe absurdities can Make You commit atrocities."

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Time to hit them back with links to all of the stories of convicted Republican sex offenders. I actually hounded some anti-LGBTQ+ bigot into making his Twitter feed private by spamming his comments (accusing Mike Rothschild of being pro-pedophile) with Republican mugshots.

If this is the game they want to play, I say we call them out.

Vixen Strangely said...

The links are depressingly, seemingly inexhaustible. I remember having a lot of material to write about at the beginning of the Josh Duggar scandal about how a culture that encourages obedience/corporal punishment of children/silence/ignorance instead of sex education/shame/homeschooling and mistrust of nonchurch authority creates a far more "favorable" environment for hurting children and only barely touched the surface--I had to kind of back out in astonishment.

(Also, people with more familiarity with GOP subcultures could do that job better than I could--I was reduced to refraining from a blog entitled "Fuck these pious fucks" the body of which was just "Fuck these pious fucks" about fifty times with links to each separate nightmare uncovered.)

It's Especially NOT Funny Because It's True — Secular Talk ( (@KyleKulinski) March 17, 2025 MAGA doesn't care about this....