Monday, April 4, 2022

The Eternal Question: Lying or Stupid?


See, I want to believe that every adult American person alive in 2011 remembers that President Obama announced that there was a successful mission to kill or capture Osama Bin Laden. It would be really difficult for me to believe that Rep. McClain is anaware of this. It could be that she was thinking about Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who she mentions an entire breath later, but whose name she couldn't come up with right away--but it's still inexcusable. It's also possible she entirely meant "inflation", not "unemployment", when she declared that unemployment was at a 40 year high (when it is actually at a 50 year low). 

But it's the old eternal question isn't it? Lying or Stupid. If it's a lie, it's terrible, and if it's sheer stupidity--yes that is also news. Why would we be ok with elected figures who are just dumb as hell about what are basically current events? And yet it seems like people accept a certain degree of lying from Republicans and are almost embarrassed to call them out as stupid.

I've mentioned just recently the problem we have with taking polls for how people feel about facts (they don't always agree with'em!) when some people are just contrarian or hopelessly misinformed. What does a poll mean when it shows that a high number of people are out of touch with actual facts? Like, for example--who won the 2020 presidential election? A good portion of the media doesn't see the problem of, say, people not understanding that Biden has been responsible for a jobs boom as a media problem, but as a "Democrats in disarray" problem.

Anyway--if Democrats are responsible for cleaning up the information mess, it's important to challenge the outright lying, and not making excuses for the stupidity of dissembling Republicans. I don't assume even GOP "mistakes" are honest. So rip them on the apparent lying, and make them look stupid back-pedaling. 


bowtiejack said...


bt1138 said...

Amen to this, a million times. So many examples.

A personal Favorite: When Clarence Thomas said during his confirmation hearing that he had never discussed Roe V Wade with anyone. Ever.

I'd say lie on that one. But it's disqualifying either way.

Vixen Strangely said...

Ted Cruz today, TODAY! Pretended Democrats denied the SCOTUS position of Janice Rodgers Brown.

Point the first: They did vote her to her district seat.

Point the second: Absolutely no one nominated her to the SCOTUS. I mean, if he was committed to diversity, why didn't Trump appoint her instead of lily-white Gorsuch or Kavanaugh? Or if he was committed to appointing a woman judge, why not Janice Rodgers Bown instead of Amy Coney Barrett?

He's not stupid, he's lying. Ted Cruz is a goddamn liar and says knowingly stupid things. It needs to be said.

He's a goddamn liar and thinks everyone else is stupid. We aren't. He halfway is, but mostly he's just lying.

Ten Bears said...

Sure seems to me a Cuban Canadian illegal alien would be a soviet sleeper ...

It's Weird, Right?

  Trump staggered up the stairs of the helicopter on his way to go play his customary weekend golf with the omnipresent little Musk kid lead...