Monday, January 10, 2022

So, What Are the Anti-Vaxxers Up To?


Well, besides getting sick and dying, which I am going to preface is obviously very terrible and every man's death diminishes me etc., etc. (does it though?) and learning that COVID-19 is definitely not anthrax, they are branching out from bleach cocktails to drinking their own pee

You know, I will say that if you are skeptical about what's in the things you eat or drink, one thing I can say for drinking your own pee is that you have, basically, made it yourself. Christopher Keys, the individual promoting this, states there is "tons and tons of research" on this, which just makes me wonder: "Dude, how much of your own pee have you drank, already?" 

So of course, because I am a responsible blogger, I looked into drinking pee and searching "drink urine" indicates that OMG people are really doing this for lots of stuff. It's a little like the apple cider vinegar thing where it will do everything from treat rashes to jellyfish stings to like, making you thinner and smarter, except it's obviously deeply fucked up and this isn't Waterworld. And when Keys suggests taking the piss with a grain of salt (see what I did there?) like, obviously, pee is already pretty salty, but I advise drinking water is actually really good for your immune system. Just not, um, your own water. 

I mean, your body is excreting it for a reason. Are you eating your boogers, too?

But if that isn't floating your boat, some of the new hotness in treating COVID-19 is definitely testosterone blockers, you know, in case hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin aren't getting the job done.  (Maria Bartiromo says she knows for a fact these two things work, which makes me wonder if she is doing a residency at Batshit General Hospital and where she finds the time.)  Anyhow, fine. If anti-vaxxers want to take test blockers I might even encourage them to take it to reduce the sequelae of "long covid". After all, Tucker Carlson ensures us COVID-19 is "feminizing" anyway. (Is this why Trump has been on the rag since November 2020?) I understand spirolactonone can cause salt cravings, so again, grain of salt. 

This might not be the favorite strategy of the, I swear I am not making this up, anti-vax group in the UK called Alpha Males Assemble. An anti-vax paramilitaryish thing. Their leader of course is down with COVID-19 at the mo', and also is named John O'Looney and is a funeral director. That is a whole Monty Python skit worth of fucking absurd. 

But if you think all of this is obviously crazy, there is someone who almost agrees with you: Dr. Bob Malone went on Joe Rogan's podcast to tell us that vaccines (which we all got for measles, mumps, rubella, polio and the like and tetanus anytime you jack yourself up badly enough to go to ER) are a form of mass formation psychosis, which may not even be a thing, let alone a thing that makes people feel like vaccines work. Because they do--since people who are vaxxed may get breakthrough cases but have way lower incidences of hospitalizations and death. 

It is very interesting to me that Joe Rogan fans might think that masses of people can be hypnotized by social encouragement into believing extremely wacky things, right? I mean really! Masses of people--believing wacky things! Despite all evidence and study to the contrary! Not that I'm giving credence to the idea of mass psychosis formation--but I'm just asking questions and it makes you think right? After all, if people can try to tell you masks covering your faceholes doesn' t prevent germs from getting in your faceholes, what other weirdly counterintuitive things can wankers get you to believe?

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