Friday, November 19, 2021

We Need To Talk About Kevin


The bad boy from Bakersfield, the last of the "Young Guns", had some kind of signifying meltdown while the Democratic-led house of representatives were supposed to be talking about the "Build Back Better" bill. McCarthy delivered an hours-long screed that is doomed to be "lost in the sauce". No one cares , Kevin. about your reverie about the time long gone. They wonder if you are good for anything at all, but sadly, no. 

So, the BBB is not going to raise inflation. Actually, the CBO indicated that among other things, the BBB will reduce the deficit. So there is reason to believe a very persuasive argument for the Biden "Did we elect him to be FDR?" agenda exists and yes, some of us definitely did. We would very much like to "get back" to our economy providing good paying jobs. We think Biden knows what's up. 

And McCarthy doesn't. Does he realize the inflation the US faces is international--not something to do with Biden at all? He doesn't care. Does he acknowledge that Biden is trying to address high gas prices? Of course not. Even if there is ample reason to think that the high gas prices have a specific source

This non-entity grandstanded against lower drug prices and better living conditions for so many workers because he had to do something to look relevant while denying things regular US people need. And he looked like a petulant goober having a tantrum. 

And this is exactly what he is. And how his signifying outburst should be treated, an object of derision.  Because BBB is necessary and will improve upon the broke Trump economy that lost jobs and never planned to do anything to actually make America great(er).

We can do better, despite such losers. 

UPDATE: And he wasted everybody's time, because the bill (predictably) passed the House in the broad daylight of the morning. 


Richard said...

We Need to Talk About Kevin. That book used to show up in thrift stores. I read it and it was disturbing. I thought it was probably an evangelical christian thing and it was scary.

It fits perfectly on this politician.

Vixen Strangely said...

There are themes in WNTTAK that line up a bit with the sociopathic tendencies in the GOP: the lack of empathy, fascination with violence, inability to understand ordinary desires to do basic, decent things like lower drug costs or expand Medicare coverage, and the way poor behavior and dangerous warning signs are excused and normalized. The combination of unwillingness to see the problem (like Kevin's father and others in the story) and the drive to create a sense of normalcy contribute to avoiding addressing a tragedy in waiting until it is too late. Maybe Kevin the politician is merely a coward, not himself a sociopath. But he is an enabler for the worst of them.

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