Monday, November 8, 2021

Using Words We All Understand


So, I could have blogged about how CNN let themselves be fooled by the nice, blonde suburban housewives in Virginia who most definitely aren't GOP operatives/astroturf-adjacent, but that's something I'll prrroooooobbaabbblllyy get to later? Because The New York Times also falls for this sort of thing, and it it happens so often anymore it really can't be accidental, right?  

But I'd rather just focus on the word "woke" because she used it like it only meant one thing and everyone knew what it was, and it definitely does not and everyone doesn't. So we argue about "wokeness" instead of whether anti-racism and accurate history is valuable, getting bogged down in a term that wholly adopts a right-wing frame that there is something "wrong" with what "wokeness" is, since the term is used so generally to mean "liberal things conservatives don't trust", it might as well boil down to "vibes". 

She knows what she meant by the word--short-hand for, shouldn't Democrats do more stuff to appeal to swing vote Carville thinks is out there? And well. Maybe that's how she could have asked it. 

1 comment:

Ten Bears said...

Well, I woke up this morning ...

That's not it? Oh, man ...

Ashes, Ashes

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