Friday, November 12, 2021

Ah! So That's "Common Sense Conservatism"

Do what the mob says and you won't get hurt. I was wondering.

UPDATE: With respects to the Tea Party types, I've long wondered if "common sense" wasn't a grotesque warping of Thomas Paine, basically to effect of rebellion against the "tyranny"--of the rule of law. For values of "the rule of law" equal to "when Republicans aren't running the government."

1 comment:

Grung_e_Gene said...

The Tea Baggers were definitely trying to co-opt the Founders as 100% aligned with them (similarly to the Confederates claim of the 2nd American Revolution). I vividly recall earlyyoutube videos of the Fake Tom Paine (Bob Basso) just laying out rightwing agitprop and Tea Party gibberish while dressed like the author of "Common Sense".

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