Monday, October 11, 2021

The Scalise Proposition


Rep. Steve Scalise once styled himself "David Duke without the baggage" because of course, in politics as in many walks of life, a reputation is your calling card. David Duke, of course, was an early backer of the virulently racist Trump that came down an escalator to discuss his 2016 candidacy in terms of stopping Mexicans and assorted Central Americans from coming to the US who were in all probability (as far as Trump knew) gangsters and rapists. Steve Scalise is a congressman who by now is basically David Duke with a taxpayer-funded job.

We should understand his baggage by now. He isn't different. He's just in office. That's all. 

Some people might point to his not so long ago traumatic shooting incident and I will note there is something that came out of that: many people face tragedy and decide that the outcome will be that they are better people. And Scalise resolved to just be himself, Which was so unnecessary on his part, but I digress. 

Anyhow, he isn't worse than Kevin McCarthy or Mitch McConnell, and definitely no worse than Chuck Grassley, here. He's just so basically weak and inutile to any need of  his constituents that all he can do is perform for their biases. He doesn't serve the people. He serves power, and in his brain, Trump, the twice-impeached one-term wonder with lawsuits and debts clinging to his every waking moment, is still who Scalise thinks is in power, so he cedes him that for fear of what the Twitter-less social media sensation will say about him. 
Even if all Trump is chewing up now is the Mar-a-Lago wallpaper. 

Yes, that is amazingly servile and grotesque, a cowardice so mutated from basic human dignity that children should shudder and cling to their parents and plead with unseen angels that they would never be so gutless and miscalculating at once to think pretending Trump won is the winning thing. Rather than, I don't know, actually being a party leader who wants the government scheme outlined by a little old thing called the Constitution to be somehow popular with people for governance-related reasons, not vague culture war bullshit. 

His district should find another congressperson, because this one is clearly broken. And it wasn't Trump who broke him, he came here that way, and only wanted a reason to go full Renfield for the right authoritarian white supremacist shitlord. 



Dan Kleiner said...

i think you're wrong. they're not afraid. not in the SLIGHTEST. "david duke wihtout the baggage" is a stone-cold racist. he's part of the party of happy, open fascists. they WANT this. they're ALL in.

Vixen Strangely said...

Oh, I agree that Scalise is happy with the racism--the problem is that Republicans are putting all their racist eggs in the Trump basket, and he might not be legally operable or physically/mentally capable to still be a player. They are sucking up to Trump like its 2016. By 2024, Trump could be in a whole different kettle of fish.

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