Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Margarine Tater Grease Has Thoughts!

As far as responses to this stupidity go, I'm a little torn between "So tell me, Little Margie, where are these statues of which you speak?" and "Damn, girl, you surely are not much of a reader, are you?"

And this is where you see the advantage Kevin McCarthy might see in keeping her around. I mean, you can go ahead and condemn the stupid Holocaust things she says, because they are execrable, but on the other hand, compared to this mountain of mental mush, the rest of his coalition can feel temporarily cool in the shade. Sure, Mo Brooks and Paul Gosar and Lauren Boebert and Madison Cawthorn and Louie Gohmert are absolute....

Shit. I forgot what I was saying here. But wow. Just appreciate her. That's their mascot. A mouthy albatross who sees the pedagogic value of statues of Satan and Hitler. So she has something to tell the kids! Because otherwise, I mean really? How would they learn?

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