Wednesday, March 17, 2021

TWGB: Like We Said....


So about the hot one that just dropped from ODNI--it's sure to be a beloved classic in the TrumpWorld Grab-Bag library because it pretty much says, "Oh hell yes, Russia was interfering, the election was legit, but masses of US conservatives in Trump's orbit were absolutely help laundering disinfo." In other words, Putin tried to steal this one and Republicans helped, then sat back and cried they were the ones that got robbed. The report doesn't name names of who exactly Russia was using Ukrainian cut-outs to launder disinfo to in Trump[s circle, but, like, if you all were following along during the first impeachment--you kind of know, right? 

And well, that's probably coming.

(And for that matter, the actors in question probably should have understood very well who they were dealing with, which makes them willing accomplices, not mere useful idiots. Although they were idiots, too, obviously. Also, it's funny to me that the old DNI was Trump's biggest apologist.)

Just as an aside, do you think we've heard the last about the Kavanaugh investigation that wasn't, or nah? (I guess I always wanted a follow-up on whether the whole nomination, etc. wasn't kind of, well, you know.)


bt1138 said...

Rudy can always claim that he had a few too many that... Day. And that he can't recall clearly what happened that... Day.

Vixen Strangely said...

"I was doing vodka shots in Kyiv and one thing led to another and I treasoned a little bit. Could happen to anyone."

It's Weird, Right?

  Trump staggered up the stairs of the helicopter on his way to go play his customary weekend golf with the omnipresent little Musk kid lead...